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What is Zeolite Tanning Agent?


What is Zeolite Tanning Agent?

Zeolite tanning agent is a high-tech tanning agent in white powder form based on natural zeolite. This natural zeolite-based leather tanning agent is the latest environmentally friendly product developed on the market and can smoothly replace traditional leather tanning agents.

What is Zeolite Tanning Agent


leather tanning agent is a sustainable leather-making process that is safe and environmentally friendly. It is a new standard for leather tanning.

In the leather production process, zeolite is applied to the tanning process to prevent the decomposition and decay of raw animal skins. This tanning agent has been continuously updated and improved in recent years and has been successfully applied in leather production, leading to an increasing number of tanneries adopting it to manufacture leather products. Zeolite is now being used by European tanners and other tanners alike, as it helps to reduce the environmental impact while maintaining the quality of leather products.


Zeolite offers a new approach to leather tanning with benefits across the entire value chain. Its key advantages are in safety, environmental protection, and superior leather quality. Zeolite tanning's cationic properties enhance material absorption during retanning and dyeing, reducing chemical usage and COD in wastewater.

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